
St. Leo the Great: Letters is unavailable, but you can change that!

As the vestiges of the Roman political machine began to collapse in the fifth century AD, the towering figure of Pope St. Leo the Great came into relief amid the rubble. Sustained by an immutable doctrine transcending institutions and cultures, the Church alone emerged from the chaos. Eventually, the Roman heritage became assimilated into Christianity and ceased to have a life of its own. It...

and they shall call his name, Angel of the Great Counsel, God the Mighty, the Prince of Peace, Father of the world to come.’10 And he would not speak nonsense, saying that the Word was made flesh in such a way that Christ, born from the Virgin’s womb, had a man’s form, yet did not have the reality of His Mother’s body. Or did Eutyches by chance think that our Lord Jesus Christ was not of our nature because the angel sent to the blessed Mary said: The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee and the power
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